Understanding Green Card Eligibility Categories

The United States welcomes individuals from all over the world who seek to build a new life here. However, navigating the complex path to securing permanent residency (a green card) can be daunting. Different eligibility categories exist, each with its own unique requirements and processes.

The Law Office of Adebimpe Jafojo understands the challenges you face. This blog post serves as a starting point to explore the main green card eligibility categories:

1. Family-Based Immigration:

This category prioritizes uniting families. Here are some subcategories:

  • Immediate relatives: Spouses, unmarried children under 21, and parents of U.S. citizens.

  • Preference categories: Based on family relationships with lawful permanent residents or U.S. citizens with varying wait times.

  • Fiancé(e) visas: For individuals engaged to U.S. citizens, leading to potential green card eligibility after marriage.

2. Employment-Based Immigration:

Skilled workers can obtain green cards through employer sponsorship or self-petitioning based on extraordinary abilities. Some subcategories include:

  • EB-1: Outstanding researchers, professors, multinational executives, and individuals with extraordinary ability in specific fields.

  • EB-2: Professionals with advanced degrees or exceptional ability in specific professions.

  • EB-3: Skilled workers, professionals, and other workers filling labor shortages.

3. Diversity Visa Lottery:

This annual lottery program offers a limited number of green cards to individuals from countries with low immigration rates to the U.S.

4. Special Immigrant Juvenile Status:

Provides green card eligibility to certain undocumented youth who came to the U.S. as children and meet specific requirements.

5. Other Categories:

  • Religious workers, investors, and certain individuals on humanitarian grounds may also have green card eligibility options.

Remember: This overview is not a substitute for legal advice. Each category has its nuances and complexities.

What We Can Do For You:

The Law Office of Adebimpe Jafojo offers personalized guidance and legal representation throughout your Green Card journey. We:

  • Evaluate your eligibility: We carefully assess your individual circumstances and identify the most suitable category for your case.

  • Prepare and file your application: We ensure your application is completed accurately and meticulously to maximize your chances of success.

  • Represent you throughout the process: We navigate the complexities of the immigration system, advocating for your best interests and providing ongoing support.

Contact Us Today:

Don't let the complexities of Green Card eligibility discourage you. Contact The Law Office of Adebimpe Jafojo today for a consultation. We are dedicated to helping you achieve your dream of obtaining permanent residency in the United States.

Submit a consultation request here on our site or call us at 770-978-8800 to schedule your consultation!

Disclaimer: This blog post is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Please consult with an attorney for personalized legal guidance related to your specific situation.


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